About Us:
Our Primary motive is a need-based survey to be conducted
at village, with stake holders to identify the core problems and
challenges face by marginalized communities, the activities
undertaken during the reporting year were specifically tailored to
address the needs of these communities. Family members and
friends of the trustees generously devoted their time, energy and
funs to support the Trust’s initiatives.
It’s worth noting that a few individuals from abroad, who had
witnessed and coordinated the trust’s services during last year
relief camp, continue to support as well-wishers, contributing to
the successful completion of various project assignments.
The Collaboration of like- minded friends and volunteers
from the village level, embracing the cultural and traditional of the
values of the country, served as the lifeblood for the Trust’s
progress in implementing programs and activities.

“Empowering Communities – enhanced lives on earth”
- Upholding equality, Liberty and Fraternity.
- Advancement of in Health, Education and Employment.
- Sustainable livelihood for the physically challenging.
- Awareness on Rights & Concessions to the marginalized.
- Promoting Cultural, Social, Emotional & Spiritual needs.
A.Objectives of the Pilot Project (in order of priority)
a. Reduction of Coliform Count (Health Factor)
b. Reduction of Odor (Public Convenience)
c. Reduction of BOD (Reduction of Pollution to the Lake)
d. Reuse of treated water to inlet to lake.
A. Locations of Interest
a. Point 3: Up Stream Point for Dosing
b. Point 1: Discharge Point.
B. Proposed Technologies To Be Administered:
a. Initial cleansing of drain water with the help of Coliform Reducing Liquid [CR]
b. Biological Dosing: Liquid Dosing at Early Stage Drainage points, viz, (1), (2) &
(3) especially where newer drains are joining the main drain. [ECBT-L]
c. Use of Biological Tablets to introduce microbes and oxygen for better
performance of dosed bio products. [ECBT-T]
d. Bottom Bed Diffused Aeration System in final pond near lake.
e. Phyto Remediation by Vetiver floating gardens at suitable locations.